Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Benjamin Franklin 

Prevention is not just about procedures. It’s crucial that every employee embraces the company’s ‘safety culture’, from the management to the workers on the ground.

To assist you in evolving this culture, we offer training sessions:

  • Generic, following the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Code. Here are a few examples of topics:
    • Awareness for prevention stakeholders
    • Participatory risk assessments
    • “3 green lights” safety assessments
    • Workplace accidents
    • New employee orientation
    • Job position descriptions
    • External companies and work permits
  • Tailored to your specific needs

Whether in a traditional format or tailored specifically to your needs, our team of trainers offers engaging and interactive training sessions. Through role-playing scenarios and other interactive activities, we ensure that each participant can actively engage in their learning experience.